Yoga Nidra

More about Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is an in-depth relaxation exercise that helps you stimulate positive energy. This technique helps you to relax deeply and to deal better with tension, stress and anxiety.

Yoga Nidra, or yoga sleep, is a powerful and deep form of relaxation and meditation.

Yoga Nidra means yoga sleep. You do not sleep, your consciousness is brought in between waking and sleeping.

Yoga Nidra is therefore a form of yoga, with which we experience the same feeling that we have when we are in a deep sleep, with the difference that you stay awake.

Yoga Nidra helps you to experience a sense of oneness, wholeness, tranquility and deep well-being.

Yoga Nidra is the practice of total conscious relaxation of your body and mind.

This deep relaxation is achieved by going through the different stages of your consciousness through a specific meditation method.

During the Yoga Nidra you bring your attention to different body parts, visualize and turn your attention 'inward'.

As a result, a Yoga Nidra session gives you deep physical mental and emotional relaxation.

Yoga Nidra also offers you space to discover what you need at that moment, and an opportunity to work on letting go of negative feelings and emotions.

Yoga Nidra also helps to tackle your stuck behavioral patterns.

Yoga Nidra restores your body, your senses and your mind to their natural function. Discover for yourself how Yoga Nidra can help you in your own life. And learn how to guide others through a thousand year old Yoga practice.

Yoga Nidra puts you in a deeply relaxing state in which you can experience your True Nature.

When you try to be attentively present when you are in this deep relaxation, you experience yourself without boundaries, fears and limitations.

It helps you to feel a connection with all people and all things around you, it increases your ability to feel and radiate love, and it helps you to have more compassion for yourself and others.

We are not the only fans of Yoga Nidra.

Millions of people are now big fans and have experienced the powerful effect of this fine form of yoga,

Yoga Nidra is one of the most profound spiritual practices that I have experienced myself. One reason for this is that people often experience deep relaxation and deep insight and clarity after a single session.

More and more people are convinced that Yoga Nidra is one of the most effective ways to manage and process trauma and stress.

Yoga Nidra is all about moving from thinking to feeling. And then doing to being pure to a state of “non doing”.

Yoga Nidra is also about welcoming, to welcome everything. Welcome "what is" at any time.

This is such a profound and transformative form of meditation that we are convinced that the world urgently needs more Yoga Nidra and more qualified Yoga Nidra teachers.

Practicing Yoga Nidra is easy, they say it is one of the easiest yoga forms!

But teaching Yoga Nidra effectively can be tricky because you really need to know what you are doing and follow the correct order.

We absolutely love Yoga Nidra and can say from experience that it has a huge impact on people.

That is why we have developed this special course for you and we are happy to share our knowledge of teaching Yoga Nidra with you.

More about the benefits of Yoga Nidra

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