
Interview with Yoga Teacher Jeanette Liernert

INTERVIEW WITH JEANETTE LIENERT -  Yoga Teacher and Graduated student of the RadiantPeace Yoga Nidra Training


Name:Jeanette Lienert

Age: 25

Nationality: German


Profession Physiotherapist, Yoga Teacher


Short intro: 

I am Jeanette, physical therapist, yoga teacher and currently a student in the master "Physical Activity and Health". In my work as a physiotherapist, I try to combine classical physiotherapy with yoga. Through my Yin/Yang Teacher Training I can incorporate different styles into the therapy and I see great results with the patients. I would like to pursue this idea in my work, that I create the connection between yoga and therapy to make yoga accessible to people who think they don't have access.


Why did you do the Yoga Nidra course?


I have noticed very strong changes in myself through Yoga Nidra. The peace, the balance that I take with me into everyday life, since I regularly practice Yoga Nidra I would like to share. Yoga Nidra is a really powerful tool that can help many people. I have experienced this myself and would like to give this gift to others.



Why did you choose for the RadiantPeace Yoga Nidra Course?


I got to know Yoga Nidra during the Teacher Training with Ilse and Jane (200h TTC). Before that I had only heard about this kind of yoga but never really tried it. It caught me right away and I was sure that I would like to integrate it into my daily life and later share it with my patients. I have a very high opinion of Ilse's skills and her way of teaching, so there was no doubt for me to do the teacher training with her.



What do you think of Ilse? And what do you think of her style of teaching?


Ilse is a very warm and empathetic person. At any time you have the feeling that you are completely in the right place and just want to soak up everything she teaches. She teaches with a lot of calmness and the content is super transferred. Her content is a good mix between spirituality and down-to-earth yoga to be able to live it in everyday life and still feel the full potential of these techniques. Even the online format, did not lower the quality in any way.


What did you like about the course? Can you give an example?


The course was structured very well. Every week the focus changed and there was an absolute balance between the theoretical and the practical. For me, especially the structure of writing yoga nidras was very helpful to have a framework in which you can fully develop your creativity. This part came more towards the end of the course, so by then you completely understand the purpose of each phase of Yoga Nidra. That was really great!



What did you take out of this course? What for yourself and for your work?


I started writing yoga nidras right after the course for people I had a little background knowledge but also general Yoga Nidras for the course I give at the university. I came out of the course feeling very confident and happy to be able to teach yoga nidra. At the same time, I personally had great experiences with Yoga Nidra, which raised my own practice to another level.



Would you recommend this training?


I would recommend the training 100 percent. For personal development but also for implementation in the work, highly recommended!



Instagram: jeanette_lienert

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You might have seen it online, or you might have heard about it before. Yoga Nidra is very popular. Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep as it is a really powerful meditation technique. It is a very ancient practice, but now more than ever, very useful to bring some peace in this turbulent crazy time that we are living in! Yoga Nidra is a form of yoga that allows us to enjoy the same feeling that we have when we are in a deep sleep but we are still awake. Yoga Nidra is a profound relaxation practice that helps us to awaken positive energy that is already hidden in our inner self. Yoga Nidra gives us the direct experience that our inner core is stress-free and that unshakable inner peace and joy really exist within rather than outside ourselves. We learn about the temporary nature of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and this changes our perspective on stress and on ourselves. Yoga Nidra is a practice in total conscious relaxation. This conscious relaxation state is reached by separating the external awareness of the physical body through various stages. It results in a state where you are asleep with a trace of awareness. Benefits of Yoga Nidra Yoga Nidra helps you to get refreshed, rejuvenated, relaxed and energetic by getting rid of tension, stress and anxiety. With regular practice, your physical and mental health will surely improve as stress diminishes. Yoga Nidra offers a space to explore what you need in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions. It restores the body, senses, and mind to their natural function. More and more people are convinced that Yoga Nidra is one of the most effective ways to manage and eliminate trauma and stress. Yoga Nidra has proven to change your physical and emotional responses to stress in the short term and for the long run. You will gain a fresh perspective, enabling you to remain calm and in control—even in the midst of chaos. Some of the Benefits of Yoga Nidra: The effects of Yoga Nidra are as profound as they are relaxing: Regulates energy in the body Reduce insomnia and improve sleep Reprogram old belief patterns Release old emotions Calming and balancing for the mind Relaxing both the mind and the body deeply. Stress reduction and ability to release anxiety Stimulates your intuition Boost your Immune system Decreases inflammation Reduces pain. Enhances your creativity Helps you to get more focussed. With a Nidra session you can catch up to 3-4 hours of sleep. It brings a profound sense of joy and well-being. We are not the only fans of Yoga Nidra. Millions of people really love this practice. Yoga Nidra has been one of the most spiritual practices I’ve experienced myself. One of the reasons why is because people often experience deep relaxation, strong healing and profound insight and clarity, just after one single session. The World needs more Yoga Nidra This is such a profound and transformative practice that we believe that the world desperately needs more Yoga Nidra and more qualified Yoga Nidra teachers. Practicing Yoga Nidra is easy, they say it is one of the easiest yoga practices! But teaching it effectively can be complex, because you really need to know what you are doing and follow the correct order. I absolutely love Yoga Nidra, and can say from experience that it has a really huge impact on people. Therefore we have created a special course for you and I’d love to share my knowledge of teaching Yoga Nidra with you. Online Yoga Nidra Course More info about the course
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